Summer Baking

I have done quite a bit of baking this summer. Baking still remains very therapuetic for me. There is a calm that comes over me when I have in the kitchen attempting a new treat recipe. Lemon Meltaway Cookies Recipe courtesy of Saving Dessert Gooey Patriotic Cookies Recipe Courtesy of Lilluna (I did alter the…

It Passes in a Blink

Time passes so fast when you aren’t looking. So Covid quaratine happened last year. Teaching was a pool of hot mess between virtual, hybrid, in-person, back to hybrid then back to in-person. Now that it’s summer I feel like I finally have time to breathe, relax and clear my head. I wanted to share what…

New Year, New Mindset

People call them resolutions. I like to think of them as mindset tweeks. There are a few things I want to be more conscience of in 2019. Wow, 2019 to think that I remember when the world was freaking out for the year to change to 2000. LOL Be More Present With cellphones constantly in…

Weekly Wrap Up & Sunday Coffee (12/16)

Hey y’all! Weekly Wrap Up is a bleep where I give quick recap about my blog, reading adventures, and life in general of the past week. I also may include some rambling!

Holly Jolly Baking

I know I have been MIA for a little while. I haven’t been reading much either. It’s been sprint to get from our Thanksgiving break to our Christmas break. My kids are done and so am I. I got the idea to put together all of  my favorite (let’s face it successful) baking ventures into…

Winter Wellness and Diffuser Blends

Winter hasn’t decided if it’s here to stay or not. We go from upper 70s to high 30s here in southeastern Louisiana. My body get grasp what the weather is trying to do. So I am trying to give it the best chance of surviving the winter with the minimal funkiness. Here are some of…

Weekly Wrap Up & Sunday Coffee (11/25)

Hey y’all! Weekly Wrap Up is a bleep where I give quick recap about my blog, reading adventures, and life in general of the past week. I also may include some rambling!

Global Postcard Exchange

My 2nd graders are learning about map skills and geography. I have been trying to brainstorm ways take it up a notch. I had seen a postcard exchange on a teacher resource site and thought WOW, who doesn’t love getting mail especially kids. So I decided to get the ball rolling and create a signup…